Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Powers of 10

Wow! This is a great illustration of relative size in the universe. It's a little dated, but still amazing. There is also an interesting article here about updating the video for today. (The original is from the 70's) The article only touches on the improvements in the cosmic part of the video. I'd like to see the improvements in the microscopic world.

-Strange Pisces

Monday, December 21, 2009

Who wants pie?

Dr. Strangelove almost had an even stranger ending.

Dr. Stangelove pie fight photos

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LCD Magic

I didn't know touch screens were based on optics.  Now they have depth and can be used to manipulate computers from touch screens without touching them!? Check it out. 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Contextual Time Travel

I like the idea of having been born in the Middle Ages in Europe.  Fancying that I'd be a Leonardo or some other famous inventor or artist.  Never really thought about the more practical aspects of living in those times though this guy did: Medieval Slimes

-Strange Pisces

Warning: This article has some pretty gross pictures on it!

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's All Relative

Many centuries ago it was believed that the Earth was the center of the Heavens with every body in the sky rotating around it.  Galileo helped set the stage for the acceptance of Copernicus's theory of heliocentric cosmology.  I bet this piece of art would stick in his craw: You Are Here

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Strange New World

Dear you,

I've never been one to keep a journal.  Even in high school when Miss Bailey made it count for a grade.  Random gibberish at times is all that graced the lines of those pages.  The idea of the a journal, to create a record of moments in time, appealed to me, but the catharsis wasn't there.  My heart never felt that burn. Now I'm here and older unsure of what to do. What is my "I" in identity? As simple as it seems maybe I do need to let it out and catalog my thoughts, interests and fears.  Who cares if you know me?  At least I'll know myself.

-Strange Pisces
